Some of these tips relate solely to your personal tax return, some pertain to physicians who own their practice and thus file a corporate return, and some could apply to either personal or corporate returns.
Here are some tips, "P" refers to personal returns and "B" refers to business:
1. Donate More to Your Hospital, Medical Research Charities, or Other Qualified Organizations (P, B)
2. Defer, Defer, Defer (P, B)
3. Set Aside More for Retirement (P, B)
4. Sell Stocks That Are Losers! (P)
5. Take a Business Trip for Continuing Education or to Broaden Your Clinical Horizons (P, B)
6. Add Up Any Job-Hunting Costs (P, B)
7. Buy More Business or Medical Equipment (B)
Some of these advantages may go away for 2012, now is the time to start taking advantage of any breaks for 2011 returns.
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