Thursday, May 24, 2012

2011 Physician Compensation Survey Data: Physicians Practice

Physician's Practice has published their 2011 survey results on physician compensation and how health form effected compensation last year, as well as future projections for how compensation may be directly effected in the years to come. The survey had participation of more than 1,700 doctors in every specialty.

The site has also created slides to determine how physicians are currently faring with the recent government changes implemented last year. They also provide information and guidance on how to cope with shifting reimbursement while maintaining income during transitions.

Access the full report by clicking here:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Physician Employment Outlook: Market Strong for Physicians Seeking Employment

The increase in demand for physicians continues to remain strong; data proves if you are a physician looking for a position it is a buyer's market. The most in-demand specialties continue to be Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Family Medicine physicians, however most all physician specialists will have their choices of employment options.

As always geography is the most limited option when evaluating physician opportunities, the larger and more desirable cities will always offer positions based on supply and demand, and there continues to be significant demand from physicians for bigger metropolitan areas with significant medical and educational presence. 

According to a recent article in Physician's Practice blog site, healthcare employment remains strong for physicians seeking positions, employers seeking physicians have a more tangible struggle identifying talent in such a competitive market. More physician positions are currently opening than physician candidates are available to fill them. Read the full article by clicking here:

Further identifying the shortage, HEALTHeCAREERS released physician posting results from the first quarter of 2012 last week. Their data emphasizes growing evidence of a talent shortage among physicians, as well as nurses and health IT staff. According to the results of physician postings on their sites the healthcare industry continues to face a talent shortage, particularly among physicians and non-entry level nurses. Access the full report by clicking here: