MGA, the Medical Group Management Association, has published their latest physician compensation survey data. Many of the hospitals and facilities we work with base their physician salaries or income guarantees based on MGMA guidelines, which are an objective comparison of physician income based on area, experience, and training.
The key findings this year from MGMA have stated that physician compensation rose slightly in 2008, however physicians did not really see a gain as most increases were outpaced by inflation.
The survey also found that physicians in non-hospital owned practices typically earned more, although they also worked longer hours. The survey found specialty care physicians see the biggest difference with 27.72 percent more income than hospital based practices, whereas primary care physicians in non hospital-owned practices make 2.31 percent more than their counterparts in hospital-owned practice. However the compensation was remarkably similar when comparing workloads; when compensation is evaluated per physician work RVU (relative value unit, the standard work measurement unit), the data show there is little difference between group ownership.
Read the full article in MGMA or click here:
A Note to Readers of This Blog
13 years ago
It's always a comfort to know that there are medical practice management consultants available to help improve a patient's and doctor's experience at every appointment. I'm not surprised that non-hospital owned physicians earn more. My physician isn't hospital owned and he is the hardest person to get an appointment with.