Monday, April 12, 2010

2010 Match

AMA Graduate Medical Education has published the 2010 match results.

According to AMA, the results of the 2010 Match provide some answers but leave many questions unanswered.

Are more unmatched US medical school graduates sitting it out for a year or two? Doing what?
What happens to those who match or scramble into a preliminary or transitional year but don't secure a position in a core ACGME program? Since US medical school graduates can enter practice in most states after just one year of GME, do they?

What about the large and growing number of IMGs (including US citizens) who fail in their attempts to enter GME?

Since we face a national physician shortage, can we afford to delay the training or lose the expertise of any qualified residency applicant?

Perhaps most important for our patients' sakes, will the career choices reflected in these results ensure an adequate, well-trained, competent, diverse, and well-distributed medical workforce?

Please read the tables in the AMA eNewsletter; out of all specialties provided there were 25,520 available, 24,378 filled, and 1,142 left unfilled.

Read the full article in AMA, or click here:

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