All of the facilities, private practices, and academic institutions we work with require a background check to be completed on the candidate, usually prior to an offer being made. The New England Journal of Medicine has provided a good article on what a physician needs to know about the process of a third party obtaining a background check.
Although this article suggests some physicians need to complete a background check prior to the interview, we find it more common to complete a background and malpractice screen once the offer process has began typically after the first or second site visit. Either way, the background process is common and is not something a candidate should be overly concerned about.
Read the full article at
A Note to Readers of This Blog
13 years ago
I disagree with the information posted - background checks have become, quite frankly, paranoid witch hunts in recent years in which the potential for missing out on recruiting an excellent candidate may well be missed. The article says to basically not worry about it. You know what my father says? "When they tell you not to worry, you need to worry". How true, how true.